
Natural Chelation With Cilantro

CorianderImage via Wikipedia

EDTA is one of the most effective substances available for chelation. This synthetic amino acid gives proven results, but it also involves a visit to your physician. EDTA must be administered intravenously by a qualified physician, and after all, it is a man made substance.

If you're looking for something gentle, natural, and safe that is also an effective heavy metal chelator, then look no further than cilantro. This herb is common in Mexico and the Middle East, and be it ever so humble cilantro has been proven to help the body rid itself of heavy metals.

If you understand how pervasive heavy metal toxins are in our modern world, and how destructive they can be to the human organism you will understand why this is such good news.

Dr. Omura of the Heart Disease Research Foundation was the first to realize the benefits of cilantro for patients affected by heavy metal toxins. He discovered, by accident, that patients who consumed significant quantities of cilantro excreted higher than normal levels of heavy metals. In other words the cilantro somehow helps to pull the heavy metals from body tissues so that it can be eliminated through the urine and feces.

Two tablespoons of cilantro every day for three weeks should do the trick. Since this cleanse is so gentle you can repeat it as you feel the need throughout the year.

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