
Kidney Cleanse

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A kidney cleanse is one of the easiest cleanses. Here’s a simple way to start eliminating toxins from your system.

Our bodies are amazing. We have an entire detox system built right into it. The liver, kidneys, lungs, lymphatic system and even the skin are all organs of detox, constantly processing, filtering and eliminating the various toxins that we come into contact with every day. Unfortunately the modern world is a chemical world. Toxins are everywhere, in the air we breath, in the water we drink, even in the soil where we grow our food. Watchdogs like the Environmental Working Group routinely publish reports that reveal the toxic potential of our day to day environment. This information creates quite a windfall for organic businesses, but for the average consumer it can be a little overwhelming.

Toxins are ubiquitous, and since chemical suits are largely unattractive and inconvenient we have to find other ways to reduce our toxic load. If you’re considering a detox program, the simplest way to begin is with a kidney cleanse. The kidneys help filter waste from the blood stream. They help regulate blood pressure and calcium levels and they play a part in keeping the body’s ph within normal ranges. Lowe back pain might give you some indication that your kidneys are in need of help, or you could develop kidney stones, but for the most part kidney disease is silent. You might not know you have a problem until it’s too late.

A .kidney cleanse starts with a healthy diet. You'll want to eliminate processed foods and stick to organic fruits, vegetables and meats for the duration of your cleanse. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water and other liquids like pure fruit juices. Cranberry juice is a good choice. Sometimes this is all you really need to do to cleanse your kidneys, but if you want to do a more thorough cleanse try a juice fast for 3 to 7 days. This means that you'll avoid solid food and drink only juice and water for the length of your fast.If kidney stones are a concern there are some herbs you can add to your cleanse to give your body some help. Parsley, uva ursi, hydrangea, and dandelion leaf are good choices. These herbs act as diuretics and can help thoroughly flush your kidneys, and in fact the whole urinary tract. When purchasing herbs you should again choose organic products for the best support.

Do a kidney cleanse a couple of times a year to help remove toxins and keep your kidneys in proper working order.

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