
Chelation For Heavy Metal Poisoning

Heavy metals are pervasive in the environment.  We can reduce our exposure to some degree, but it is impossible to avoid these substances entirely.  Fortunately there are some treatments that can reduce the body’s load of toxic metals.  If you are suffering from a laundry list of  symptoms but can’t find a diagnosis, have yourself tested for heavy metal toxicity.

Synthetic Chelation  Chelation (pronounced keylaytion) therapy is a process by which a synthetic amino acid is introduced into the body.  This amino acid EDTA (ethylene diamine tetracetic acid)  binds with the heavy metals in a patients blood stream and then carries them out through the urine and feces.  The chelate can be introduced to the body intravenously, orally, or by suppository.   This method is approved by the FDA for detox and is practiced by many physicians.  This method of chelation is absolutely effective, but there are those who believe that EDTA is harmful in it’s own right.  In addition to the toxic metals EDTA binds with some of the beneficial metals in the body causing them to be excreted as well.

Natural Chelation    Many natural substances are also effective for removing toxins from the body .   For example, amino-acids are an important component of the body’s natural chelation system, but as we age our cells become less effective at producing these agents.  It’s a good idea to supplement with these.  Many  other vitamins and minerals function in the same way.   Clay and water can also help to cleanse the body of toxins, but the clay must be absolutely pure.  These methods are gentler  and probably a better option for anyone who wants to detox over an extended period of time.   Natural chelation is usually an oral detox method that  can be an important part of a prevention and maintenance program.  

There are two other good alternatives.  Consider a detox body wrap.  This method draws out toxins that are stored in your fat cells.  You can find body wrap kits on the internet, but this treatment is also available at a lot of health spas.    Detox food pads also help draw toxins out of your body.  You apply the detox food pad to the bottoms of your feet before you go to sleep at night.  These are extremely effective.

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