
Why Should You Cleanse?

CHANGCHUN, CHINA - DECEMBER 28:  Residents wal...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

It's safe to say that the Industrial Revolution has been a mixed blessing at best. We all enjoy the comforts of modern life, but progress may be making us sick. We ingest pesticides and fertilizers with our food. The very air we breath is polluted by automobile exhaust and burning fossil fuels from manufacturing facilities. Our lakes and streams are full of toxins that find their way into our drinking water. We are poisoning ourselves with progress. It's virtually impossible to stay out of harms way in this modern world. More than 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and diffused throughout the atmosphere since 1950. Rarely are these compounds thoroughly tested to see what lasting effects they might have on us or our environment.

The Environmental Working Group determined in 2005 that even newborn babies test positive for 287 industrial chemicals. We all carry a soup of man made toxins in our body, and it's making us sick. Cancer was rare in the nineteen hundreds, but according to the American Cancer Society 1 in 3 will be afflicted with the disease today. Heart disease is on the rise, and in the modern world there are new and poorly understood ailments like fibromyalgia, autism, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The good news is that you can reduce your body's load to some degree. There are any number of ways to cleanse your body of toxins using safe gentle natural cleanse methods. Your diet is the first place to start. Drink healthy, filtered water. Probiotics are useful. These can help you make better use of the vitamins and minerals you do ingest. Modern agriculture has basically sanitized the topsoil of commercial agricultural enterprises. Years of monocultures, herbicides and pesticides have left the soil with little to offer in the way of minerals and vitamins. Organic foods are scientifically proven to be more nutritious than conventionally grown foods, but even organic foods can't provides 100 percent of what your body needs. High quality supplements are important. Vitamins and amino-acids are at the top of the list.

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